Featured image of post Budweiser Budvar Original

Budweiser Budvar Original

The refreshing original lager from Czech Republic

While simple lager and not exciting in and of itself especially in the age of crat beers, it is a testament to perseverance in getting the basics right.

Budweiser Budwar Brewery had 750+ years to refine this recipe using their whole cone Saaz hops, spring water from their own artisan well that runs underneath the brewery and Moravian barley - all sourced from Czechia - to make a lager that is a joy to drink.

The “Budvar Original” is perfectly golden and slightly bitter for that perfect refreshing taste without being overpowering. It is a bit dense beer (at least for a lager), with slightly malty taste and a touch of sweetness.

Though nothing special we would recommend it for its easy freshness, though do not lean too much onto it. And as usual it’s better with friends :)

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