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Grilled pig's ears

Grilled pig's ears with soy sauce and oninons. The perfect crunchy, tasty treat to go along with a beer

We present to you grilled pig ears. One of the best treats to snack on while drinking a good beer.

The pig ears though considered sub-products and therefore frowned upon are (in my opinion) one of the greatest foods for casual snacking with some tasty beer. They are crunchy due to the cartilage in them and also if prepared properly quite soft. They have many many varied tastes ranging from the nice soft fatty tissues up to the solid crunchines of the cartilage. On top of that they have many health benefits (or it is so claimed).

They have high amount of proteins, fat, iron, zinc, potassium and low values of Vitamin B1, phosphorous, magnesium and calcium.

There are different ways to cook them, but most commonly when eaten not at home they are first boiled and then grilled. My personal preference is just to grill them, but unfortunately for this you need fresh ones (which is not so easy this days).

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